Point-Scanning Super-Resolution 2
PSSR2 is a standardized PyTorch-based workflow for super-resolution tasks using microscopy images. The PSSR2 User Guide and full API Reference is available in the PSSR2 Documentation.
Supported data:
- Information not submitted
Plugin type:
GitHub activity:
- Stars: 6
- Forks: 0
- Issues + PRs: 0
GitHub activity:
- Stars: 6
- Forks: 0
- Issues + PRs: 0
- torch>=1.11.0
- numpy<2.0.0,>=1.22.4
- pillow>=9.1.0
- czifile<2020.0.0,>=2019.7.2
- tifffile>=2019.7.26
- scikit-image>=0.18.0
- scikit-optimize>=0.9.0
- tqdm<5.0.0,>=4.0.0
- pytorch-msssim<2.0.0,>=1.0.0
- psutil>=5.0.0
- timm>=0.8.0