

ImageJ functionality from napari

    A napari plugin for access to ImageJ2

    License PyPI Python Version tests codecov napari hub

    napari-imagej aims to provide access to all ImageJ2 functionality through the napari graphical user interface. It builds on the foundation of PyImageJ, a project allowing ImageJ2 access from Python.

    With napari-imagej, you can access:

    1. The napari-imagej widget, providing headless access to:
    2. The ImageJ user interface, providing access to the entire ImageJ ecosystem within napari.

    See the project roadmap for future directions.

    Getting Started

    Learn more about the project here, or jump straight to installation!



    The FAQ outlines solutions to many common issues.

    For more obscure issues, feel free to reach out on

    If you've found a bug, please file an issue!


    We welcome any and all contributions made onto the napari-imagej repository.

    Development discussion occurs on the Zulip chat.

    For technical details involved with contributing, please see here


    Distributed under the terms of the BSD-2 license, "napari-imagej" is free and open source software.


    • 0.1.0

    Last updated:

    • 24 May 2023

    First released:

    • 24 May 2023


    Supported data:

    • Information not submitted

    Plugin type:

    Open extension:

    GitHub activity:

    • Stars: 0
    • Forks: 0
    • Issues + PRs: 0

    Python versions supported:

    Operating system:


    • confuse
    • imglyb (>=2.1.0)
    • jpype1 (>=1.4.1)
    • labeling (>=0.1.12)
    • magicgui (>=0.5.1)
    • napari (>=0.4.17)
    • numpy
    • pandas
    • pyimagej (>=1.4.1)
    • scyjava (>=1.8.1)
    • qtconsole (!=5.4.2)
    • typing-extensions (!=4.6.0)