

A napari plugin for counting cells.

A napari plugin to count cells using a U-Net for cell identification

Model uses ResNet architecture layers as encoders, and requires custom trained model weights (model trained using resnet50 imagenet1_v1 pretrained weights as starting point)

Current Model works well for DAB stained neuronal cells of 30micron mouse brain sections

Install using: pip install napari_dab_cellcount

Run using: napari napari_dab_cellcount


  • 0.1.4

Last updated:

  • 21 March 2024

First released:

  • 13 March 2024


Supported data:

  • Information not submitted

Plugin type:

  • Information not submitted

GitHub activity:

  • Stars: 0
  • Forks: 0
  • Issues + PRs: 0

Python versions supported:

Operating system:


  • napari
  • napari-plugin-engine>=0.1.4
  • PyQt5
  • PyQt5.sip
  • numpy
  • numba
  • scipy
  • torch
  • opencv-python-headless
  • natsort
  • tqdm
  • imagecodecs
  • tifffile