napari tyssue


A napari plugin for use with the tyssue library

License BSD-3 PyPI Python Version tests codecov napari hub

A napari plugin for use with the tyssue library

napari-tyssue demo of apoptosis model

Example video of apoptosis demo simulation created based on the apoptosis demo from tyssue-demo.

napari-tyssue demo of invagination model

Example video of apoptosis demo simulation created based on work under revision by Suzanne group at U Toulouse entitled "Epithelio-mesenchymal transition generates an apico-basal driving force required for tissue remodeling" available here.

This napari plugin was generated with Cookiecutter using @napari's cookiecutter-napari-plugin template.


You are better off using conda. You will need pytables, and ideally CGAL.

You can install napari-tyssue via pip:

pip install napari-tyssue

To install latest development version :

pip install git+


Contributions are very welcome. Tests can be run with tox, please ensure the coverage at least stays the same before you submit a pull request.


Distributed under the terms of the BSD-3 license, "napari-tyssue" is free and open source software


If you encounter any problems, please file an issue along with a detailed description.


  • 0.1.2

Last updated:

  • 17 February 2023

First released:

  • 20 October 2022


Supported data:

  • Information not submitted

Plugin type:

GitHub activity:

  • Stars: 6
  • Forks: 1
  • Issues + PRs: 1

Python versions supported:

Operating system:


  • numpy
  • magicgui
  • qtpy
  • tyssue
  • quantities
  • pooch
  • tables
  • imageio-ffmpeg
  • invagination (==0.0.2)